Players will need to purchase the following Equipment:
- Jersey - 2 Jersey set (1 orange jersey and 1 black jersey)
Online Ordering for Jerseys - After Aug 19, emails with a link to order jerseys will be sent out. Emails will come from Soccer.com. We suggest you place this order as soon as possible to allow for shipping so you receive the jerseys in time for the first games.
If you have a returning player and already have an orange and black jersey you do NOT need to order a new set.
- Soccer Socks that over the shin guards. Most players will wear orange or black socks. A few teams may request you buy a specific color this will be announced by the coach. For practices any color/style will be ok.
- Soccer Ball:
- U5, U6, & U8 Division - Size 3 Soccer Ball
- U10 & U12 - Size 4 Soccer Ball
- U14 & up - Size 5 Soccer Ball
- Athletic Shoes - cleats are not required but suggested to provide the best traction. If buying cleats, make sure they are soccer cleats (see graphic below for the difference between soccer and baseball cleats).